2016 Workshops

Here is a list of workshops for 2016 and a link to the schedule.  Click the link behind the old visual below


Click Here for the final schedule

Workshop Leader Title Subject
John Alberti Songs of the Sea Maritime Music
Fl!p Breskin Ergonomics for Musicians Ergonomics for Musicians
mary garvey Salmon Songs Salmon — many themes
mary garvey Irish Irish
Dick Hamlet Songs from my childhood Your childhood songs
Rick Harlan How’d I Ever Get Singin’? Singing itself
Rick Harlan What’s Earth Got To Do With It? Survival/thrival of/on Earth
Rick Harlan Like Pete Liked To Sing! Songs Pete Seeger’d like
Rick Harlan How’d I Ever Get Singin’? singing itself
Rick Harlan What’s Earth Got To Do With It? survival/thrival on/of earth
Rick Harlan Like Pete Liked To Sing! songs Pete Seeger’d sing
Meryle Korn Basic Yodeling Basic Yodeling
laura martin songs in other languages songs in laguages not english
laura martin organic google ? does anybody know that song that goes something like this …
Fred Maslan Guess the Song from the Intro intros
Jeanene Pratt Bluegrass/country jam Bluegrass/country jam
Jeanene Pratt counterpoints, quodlibets, canticles beyond harmony
Cathy Ross Parody Faire Parodies
Cathy Ross The Hills Are Alive…. Musicals
Lisa Stiller (old and new) blue book singalong (old and new) blue book singalong
Miyuki Tanemura songs for and about women Women
Alice Winship Songs of the Northwest Songs of the Northwest
Alice Winship Chicken Songs Chicken Songs